By receiving a large amount of direct sunlight throughout the year, it is hot in areas near the equator no matter the calendar month. Needless to say, winter doesn't occur there. So, what is the climate at the equator? Related topic: Here are the major types of climate in the world that you should know ! Here are some different types of precipitation and how they form What are the major climatic zones of the world ? Equatorial areas on Earth commonly tend toward the tropical. But to tell the truth, there is not just one type of climate in these areas. The most common climate type there is a tropical rainforest climate (or equatorial climate) which is known for hot average temperature plus high monthly precipitation. This climate type can be found in the lowlands around the equator line. Also, some areas around the equator also see tropical monsoon climates. Notably, an arid climate also occurs there, in Greater Somalia, in spite of its equatorial location. What is the climat...