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How can I strengthen my nails in the winter?

Cold temperatures and the dry air of winter make our nails more brittle and easy to get broken, chipped, or peeled. That's the reason why we need to pay more attention and give the nails better care so that they are always strong, healthy, and beautiful no matter the weather. So, what should we do to protect and strengthen the nail in winter? Here are some easy tips for nail care in winter that you should know. Let's see what they are no!

We need to pay more attention and give the nails better care

Keep the nails hydrated

When it comes to nail care in winter, keeping your nails hydrated is key. This is because the dry air combined with cold temperatures causes not only the skin but also the nails to lose a significant amount of moisture, leaving them dried out and dehydrated. That's the reason why our nails are more brittle during winter.
Therefore, it's important to apply moisturizer to your hands, fingers, and nails. Giving the nails additional moisture to keep them hydrated will reduce and prevent peeling, splitting, and breaking nails.

Care for the cuticles

Without healthy cuticles, our nails tend to be weaker. Caring for them is essential at all times of the year, but when winter comes, they should receive better care than usual. Applying lotion or cuticle oil on your nails and massaging to give them more hydration are good practices to follow on a daily basis. Importantly, never cut your cuticles because this can cause inflammation and infections.

Wear gloves

The next tip for nail care in winter is nothing but wearing gloves. That's nothing new, right? But it a good practice to follow to not only keep your hands warm cold but also protect your nails from the harsh effects of cold and dry winter weather. So in winter, wear gloves whenever you go outside.
Besides, wearing rubber gloves when doing household chores using chemicals like chlorine, alcohol-based sanitizers, and more is also a must if you want to keep your nails healthy. Also, too much exposure to water is not good for the health of your nails, so don't forget to wear rubber gloves when cleaning and washing up.

Have short nails

Dry, cold winter weather is the major cause for more brittle nails which tend to break more easily, especially in those with long nails. So, it's a great idea to keep the nails shorter (not too short) in the winter. Doing this will help your nails avoid snags and breaks. Though nails grow slower in winter than they are in summer, you should file and trim them frequently to promote the healthy growth of the nails.
It’s a great idea if you choose to have short nails during winter

Other tips for nail care in winter

Besides these basic tips for nail care in winter mentioned recently, of course, there are still a lot of things you can do to make your nails stronger and prettier. They include:
- Keep the hands and the nails always clean (of course).
- Don't use nail polish remover excessively. Use it once a week and no more than that. Look for and use nail polish remover without acetone.
- Stop or avoid biting fingernails or picking at cuticles.
- ...


Recently, we learned about basic tips for nail care in winter. As you can see, they are all simple and so easy to follow, aren't they? And that's all for today's article “Easy tips for nail care in winter that you should know”. Hope you found it interesting and helpful.

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