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What is the North Pole weather?

Situated in the northernmost point on the planet, the North Pole (in the Arctic) is one of the coldest places in the world. As compared to the weather in the South Pole (in Antarctica), the North Pole weather appears to be warmer, but in fact, cold and colder are the only 2 options available in this region. And here are more interesting things to know about what is the weather in North Pole & Arctic climate. Let’s check them out right now!

The Geographic North Pole is the Earth’s northernmost point

Where is the North Pole?

The Geographic North Pole is the Earth’s northernmost point. The North Pole’s latitude is 90 degrees north and all longitudinal lines on Earth begin from there. From this place, every direction one turns is, of course, south. Do you know that the North Pole doesn’t have a time zone? Besides, the Pole is also surrounded by Arctic Ocean, where the water is 4084 meters deep and usually covered with 1.8-to-3-meter-thick drifting ice.

About 434 light-years above the Eath’s northernmost point lies the “North Star” – the POLARIS, which does not set or rise at all during the night. The star just remains in almost the same spot all year round above the northern axis while other stars circle around it.

These are some basic things to know about the North Pole’s location. Now, let’s move on to the next part of this article to learn about what is the weather in North Pole like!

What is the weather in North Pole: The North Pole just has 2 seasons, winter and summer

What is the weather in North Pole?

The North Pole just has 2 seasons, winter and summer. There’s no spring or autumn season in the North Pole. While winters last about 9 months each year (from September to May), while summer season fills in the other three months (from June to the end of August).

Due to the tilted axis of the Earth, the northernmost point experiences only one sunset at September equinox and one sunrise at the March equinox. During summertime, there is sunlight all day; but during the wintertime, it is always dark and dark.

About the temperature in the North Pole, as per, the average temperatures during winter months in the Geographic North Pole are -40 degrees Fahrenheit and a still chilly 32 degrees Fahrenheit (just at the freezing point) in summer months. That’s what is the weather in North Pole like!

But as mentioned in the introduction, the South Pole (in the Antarctic) is much colder than that, with summer mean temperatures at -18 degrees Fahrenheit while winters at -76 degrees Fahrenheit.

Why are the weather poles always so cold? This is due to the North Pole, as well as the South Pole, don’t get any direct sun during the whole year. Even right in the middle of summer (July) when it’s light 24 hours each day, the northernmost point of Earth gets no direct sun. But surprisingly, there are a lot of plants growing in the Arctic (North Pole region), under very cold weather. Lichens, mosses, Arctic willows, … are among some of the most common plants living in the Arctic.


Recently, we explored some of the most basic things about the weather in the North Pole. There are just 2 seasons of summer and winter there with only 2 options of cold and colder. However, as compared to the weather in the South Pole, the weather in the North Pole is still warmer. And that’s all today’s post “Here is what to know about what the weather in North Pole.” Hope you enjoyed it got useful information.

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