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What are the fun activities of water?

Mentioning to summer, people often think good weather to travel, good weather for swimming but there are still a lot of interesting fun water activities for summer. With these activities, kids will learn many useful lessons through playing games. What are they? Let’s discover in this article.

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Benefits of fun water activities for summer

Benefits of fun water activities for summer

According to Lee Scott, Chairwoman of the Educational Advisory Board at The Goddard School, fun water activities for summer are an excellent sensory-motor activity, and children love them due to lots of fun while playing. Through playing with water, kids will develop skills in scientific exploration, mathematics, gross and fine motor abilities, and creative expression.

Besides, language and social-emotional are also developed through water play. Wilson said that language could be modeled and reinforced through water play since it provided a time to speak, communicate, and ask open-ended questions. Moreover, Parents can encourage back-and-forth exchanges and question children to share what they are doing. 

Last, depending on each type of fun water activity you choose, water play might have a calming effect. “Scooping, pouring and sifting can have the ability to relax young children and even adults. Enjoy the tranquility of water play,” says Wilson.

Some fun water activities for summer

Not only will these fun water activities for summer entertain your toddler or preschooler, but they will also promote physical and cognitive development. 

1. Water Transfer

This fun game will teach your child mathematical and scientific concepts. Kids will use shovels, large spoons, buckets, or sponges, they can move water from one container to another. Kids can also count how many spoons of water or saturated sponges it takes to complete the transfer. Wilson said that through this easy-to-facilitate exploration, children can learn math concepts about counting and measurement of volume. “They can also observe and record their prediction, explore absorption and saturation, and see cause-and-effect in their own world.”

2. Sink or Float Experiment

Another fun water activity for summer is Sink or Float Experiment. This funny game allows children to know when placing small items in water to see what sinks and what floats. You can select any objects such as bath toys, rocks, coins, twigs, kitchen utensils, rubber balls, leaves, bottle tops, buttons, keys, and corks.  Furthermore, you can do this experiment anywhere, whether it is in the bathtub, the kitchen sink, or a bucket. 

Through the “sink or float experiment”, you can teach the scientific concepts of buoyancy and density (objects will float if they have a lower density than water) to your kids. You can ask older kids to guess whether each item will sink or float, which introduces them to the concept of making a hypothesis. 

3. Water Painting

If your kids love painting, they will enjoy this game. To make the game more interesting, let’s have your child sit on the driveway, patio, or another concrete surface. Then give him a bucket of water and a paintbrush, and let him draw on the ground. The drawings will quickly dry up under the sun and then you can teach the concept of evaporation. Kids also develop fine motor skills and exercise creativity with water painting.

4. Squeeze, Scoop, Scrub

In these fun water activities for summer, your kid can play while he's in the bathtub or swimming pool. Wilson recommends that drop something into bathtubs such as eye droplets or a food baster, a variety of spoons or measuring cups, squirt bottles, sponges, scrub brushes, dolls, toy cars, and bath toys. Also, you can add an additional element of fun with bubbles. 

No matter how your children play with the items, they will develop fine motor skills and exercise imaginative thinking. According to Wilson, it is said that What appeared to be simple movements of squeezing and scooping greatly support the development of drawing and writing skills. That was a great finger exercise.

5. Water Filtration

For toddlers and preschoolers, you can organize a Water Filtration game.  Scott recommends straining dirty water with coffee filters or cheesecloth. To start, you mix water with different substances like dirt, sand, mud, or pebbles. After that, let the kids grab a coffee filter or cheesecloth, place it over a glass, and dump the contents inside. Make sure to do this over the sink or outside to prevent messes! 

With these fun water activities for summer,  your kid will learn that items with larger particles (like pebbles and sand) strain better, resulting in clearer water. Items with smaller particles (like mud and dirt) leave behind more residue—even after filtration—because they mix with the water.


Summer is not only good weather to travel, good weather for swimming but also a good time to organize fun water activities for summer. Playing some fun games will help your kids have a fun summer vacation and develop their kids’ skills.

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