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What should eat in this weather Hanoi today?

Weather Hanoi today is forecasted 13°C with strong blustery which make us feel very cold. In this kind of weather, eating something hot will be a great moment. Do you want to get some suggestions for delicious meals in Hanoi?

What should eat in this weather Hanoi today

Weather Hanoi today

Visiting the website Weather Forecast, you will get a full report of weather Hanoi today including necessary weather elements such as temperature, wind direction, humidity as well as precipitation.
As the pic, Hanoi today is predicted to be at around 10 - 16°C. People will get very cold with brisk winds which can reach the speed of 13.808 km/h from the North. Besides, there is no chance of raining. You can definitely go out without fear of sudden rain.
According to the weather prediction, today will be a cloudy day, slightly sunny. That’s so great to go around Hanoi, tasting some warm meals with friends.

What should eat in this weather Hanoi today?

What should eat in this weather Hanoi today? Are you mad about thinking about what should eat? Let’s try some warm delicious meals from the list of best Hanoi dishes below.

Cha Ca (Turmeric Fish with Dill)

Cha Ca (Turmeric Fish with Dill)

A distinctive Hanoi delicacy, cha ca is white fish seasoned with garlic, ginger, turmeric, and dill served on a sizzling pan. The dish is displayed on a bowl of rice noodles, peanuts, chopped spring onions, parsley, elaborately - mixing shrimp sauce, and red chili slices, all of which are meant to be mixed together with the turmeric fish. Cha ca is so popular amongst locals that there’s a street in Hanoi Old Quarter named after it, though the best (and affordable) places to enjoy this seafood delicacy is at Cha Ca Thang Long in Duong Thanh Street.
Opening Hours: Daily 10:00 – 15:00, 17:00 - 22:00
Address: 21 Duong Thanh Street, Old Quarter, Hanoi
Tel: +84 43 824 5115
Banh Cuon (Rolled Cake)

Banh cuon (Rolled Cake)
Another dish you should try on this weather Hanoi today is Banh Cuon (rolled cake). Great as a light breakfast or midday snack, Banh Cuon is a combination of ground meat (chicken, shrimp, or pork), minced wood ear mushroom that’s wrapped in a steamed rice flour sheet.
When tasting, you will eat with fried crispy onions, lean pork pie, steamed beansprouts, and cucumbers. Dipping a piece of Banh Cuon into a fish sauce which is mixed skillfully, a soul of dishes makes this dish more and more delicate.
You can easily spot roadside vendors selling Banh Cuon all over Hanoi, but traditional Banh Cuon in Old Quarter is a good alternative as the restaurant provides menus with English translations.
Opening Hours: Daily 10:00 – 21:00
Address: 14 Hang Ga Street, Old Quarter, Hanoi
Tel: +84 43 826 7943

Banh Goi (Fried Dumplings)

Banh Goi (Fried Dumplings)
Weather Hanoi today is predicted very cold with strong winds. Eating hot fried cake will be perfect. Banh Goi ( Fried dumplings) is a good choice for you. Shaped like miniature pillows (hence the name), Banh Goi contains finely-chopped glass noodles, wood ear, minced pork, boiled quail eggs, and seasoning within a rice-flour pastry. It is then deep-fried for a crispy texture and served with a sweet-sour dipping sauce made with garlic, chilli, sugar, lime juice, and fish sauce. You can also pair your Banh Goi with fresh lettuce and coriander leaves if you find it too greasy to enjoy it on its own.
Opening Hours: Daily 10:00 – 21:00
Address: 52 Ly Quoc Su, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi
Tel: +84 43 828 5922
Banh Duc (Hot rice cake)

Banh Duc (Hot rice cake)
The main ingredient of this cake is made from rice flour. Rice flour is cooked smelly, flexible. When you eat, sprinkle a little chili or add a little soy sauce will make the taste of the dish more special. The bowl of hot cast cake is sweet, fragrant, and the harmonious color will make you just want to "give up everything" and eat immediately.
The Banh Duc here is filled with fish sauce diluting the sweetness, slightly salty, with minced meat with cat mushrooms and a lot of dried onions that are not yellow. Hanoi people often remember the taste of Banh Duc whenever the weather is turning cold, cutting winds.
Opening hours: 14:00 - 18:30
Address: 57 An Duong, Tay Ho District, Hanoi


There are still a lot of delicious dishes for you in this cold weather Hanoi today apart from Cha ca, Banh Cuon, Banh Goi, and Banh Duc. Is there any meal you want to suggest?

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